Dr Bronwyn Egan of the University of Limpopo, Polokwane, spent three nights with two students working on the taxonomy of Psychotria capensis, collecting material on Buffelskloof.
Prof. Mark Robertson of University of Pretoria, Dept. of Zoology, with 5 MSc students on a thesis-writing retreat, for 4 nights.

Dr Michelle Greve (with red jacket) of University of Pretoria with 9 students, including Sam Jamison (squatting, 2nd from left) who is continuing her work on ‘Birds in Bushclumps’ which has now been upgraded to a Doctoral Thesis.

Apodolirion buchananii (Iridaceae) is an unobtrusive spring flower that produces a single pink flower long before the leaves appear. A plant of burnt montane grassland , it is a species of particular interest to Dr Dee Paterson-Jones of the Compton Herbarium, Cape Town. We are attempting to compile good herbarium specimens (which involves pegging plants while in flower so that leaves can be located in summer to complete the herbarium specimen). DNA material will also be sent to Dr Paterson-Jones for her work on the genus. Note the bee pollinator.