BNRH is a small herbarium that houses important collections from the eastern escarpment of north-
eastern South Africa, as well as comprehensive collections of taxa that have occupied staff over
many years. These include pteridophytes, the genus Asparagus, and the families Commelinaceae,
Hypoxidaceae, Moraceae, Rubiaceae, as well as one of the largest repositories of Mozambique
woody plants to be found in South Africa. In addition, BNRH houses most of the voucher specimens
supporting the African DNA Barcoding programme carried out by the University of Johannesburg.
Current research is focussed on Asparagus, Commelinaceae, Helichrysum, Hypoxis, as well on the
drift seeds of eastern Africa.
The herbarium is fully data-based using BRAHMS (Botanical Research and Herbarium Management
System) and data extracts for certain plant groups will be sent out if required. Inter-herbaria loans
are considered only to South African herbaria. Loans to herbaria outside the country will not be
considered although high-resolution specimen scans of certain groups may be requested.